机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院
出 处: 《心理发展与教育》 2001年第2期36-40,共5页
摘 要: 通过 3个分实验考察了优差生的作文前构思时间分配及其不同的构思时间分配策略对作文成绩的影响。实验 1发现“优生”和“差生”在无时限写作情况下 ,前者花在构思上的时间更多 ,并运用了较好的构思策略 ;实验 2发现“优生”和“差生在限时写作情况下 ,在构思时间上没有显著的差异 ,但他们在构思策略上仍表现出差异 ;实验 3发现长时限构思比短时限构思能够带来更好的文本质量。作者对写作前构思的计划和管理 ,可能是提高作文质量的自我调控策略之一。 The purpose of this study was to probe into the allocation of planning time between the top and poor students as well as the possible effects of the different strategies of allocation of planning time on the writing achievement. Experiment 1 and 2 studied the differences between the top students and poor students' arrangement of the planning time in the condition of unlimited time and limited time. Experiment 3 investigated the possible effect of the different allocation strategy of planning time on the writing achievement. The results showed that the top students spent much more time on writing plan in the condition of unlimited time and that there were significant better achievement in longer limited planning time than shorter limited planning time.