机构地区: 中山大学教育学院心理学系
出 处: 《心理科学》 2004年第5期1139-1142,共4页
摘 要: 该研究运用情境实验和问卷测量的方法 ,初探了一般自我效能感与自我监控不同的学生在合作学习的小组活动自评中的差异。结果表明 ,一般自我效能感高的被试对小组活动的价值评价比一般自我效能感低的被试更积极 ;但在对组织者的评价和对合作学习的喜爱程度上不如一般自我效能感低的学生。自我监控高的学生比自我监控低的学生对组织者有更积极的评价 。 This study focused on how the general self efficacy and self monitoring affected the self assessment of the learning team in cooperative learning. It was found that those with higher general self efficacy considered cooperative learning an approach much more valuable than those with lower general self efficacy did. However, the lower ones were more likely to express the active feelings to the team leader and the learning team, in contrast to the higher ones. The high self monitors expressed more positive feelings to the team leader, as compared with the lower self monitors. But the lower self monitors liked the learning team much more than the higher self monitors did.