机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《体育科学研究》 1999年第4期1-4,共4页
摘 要: 联合办队是对迅速提高我国大学生运动水平起积极推动作用且具有广阔前景的新生事物。研究认为:联合办队具有明显的阶段性与过渡性特征,其发展前景具有两面性。对联合办队应进一步积极引导,深入地研究其内在规律,使之始终沿着科学健康的道路发展,成为教育与体育有机结合的优化产物。如果就此停滞不前乃至走偏方向,将是没有生命力的短期行为。 Joint - teaming, which is a promising thing, plays an important role in raising the sporting level of the college students in our country. The study shows that as joint - teaming has distinctive characteristics of phase and transition, it may resuct in two possibilities in its development. Therefore, the joint - teaming should be further guided and its internal law be deeply studied so that it can develop scientifically and healthily, and reach a high level by combining education with sporting. If it stops or deviates, it will be nothing but a transient without vitality.