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Experimental research on the enhanced coagulation treatment of slightly-polluted source water with coupling oxidation flocculant

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 同济大学环境科学与工程学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室

出  处: 《工业水处理》 2004年第11期20-22,共3页

摘  要: 采用氧化偶合絮凝剂(COF)对微污染珠江水进行烧杯搅拌模拟试验,考察了各种因素对药剂处理效果的影响,重点研究了新型药剂对受污染原水中NH3-N和CODMn的去除效果。试验结果表明,在复合药剂投加质量浓度为40mg/L、复配比为0.5时,NH3-N去除率可达85%,CODMn去除率达75%以上,NO2--N去除率达97%,出水浊度为0.6NTU,NH3-N和CODMn的去除率分别比常规絮凝剂硫酸铝、PAC高出60%和23%。并对药剂作用机理作了初步探讨。 The effectiveness of the enhanced coagulation treatment of micro-polluted source water from the Zhujiang River with coupling oridation flocculant(COF) has been studied through laboratory jar test. Factors affecting the treatment effect with COF have been investigated. Results show that when dosage is 40 mg/L and the compound ratio of material is 0.5, the removal of NH3 - N is 85%, CODMn is 75% and NO2 -- N is 97%,turbidity is 0.6 NTU, which has been improved to be 23% of CODMn removal rate and 60% of NH3 - N removal rate obtained by Al2(SO4)3 or PAC. The treatment mechanism is discussed preliminarily.

关 键 词: 微污染原水 氧化 絮凝 氧化偶合絮凝剂

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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