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Application of seismic attributes in the prediction of deep reservoirs in Anpeng region

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国石油化工集团公司

出  处: 《石油物探》 2003年第1期82-85,共4页

摘  要: 地震数据体中含有丰富的地下地质信息 ,不同的地震属性值可能与某些地质参数具有很大的相关性 ,因此利用地震属性参数可以有效地进行储层预测。描述了地震属性特征参数的意义 ,并对安棚深层系核三段V和VI号砂层组进行了振幅、频率和衰减等属性提取分析。V号砂体的反射波具有连续性好 ,振幅强 ,频率低 ,能量衰减快的特点 ,预测它属于亮点型油藏 ;VI号砂体反射具有连续性差 ,振幅弱 ,频率高的特点 ,属于暗点型油藏。 Seismic data sets contain abundant subsurface geological information. Seismic attributes are related to geology, and can be effectively used in reservoir prediction. This paper discussed the geologic meaning of various seismic attributes and extracted attributes such as amplitude,frequency, and attenuation on He the third member sandstone segments Ⅴ of Ⅵ and in Anpeng. The reflections of segment Ⅴ were characterized by good continuity,strong amplitude, low frequency and sharp attenuation of energy, and can be classified as bright spot reservoir. The reflections of segment VI were characterized by poor continuity, weak amplitude, and high frequency, and can be classified as dim spot reservoir. The results were confirmed by drilling.

关 键 词: 地震属性参数 储层预测 安棚深层系 砂体 地震数据 地质信息 反射波 油藏 钻井 地质参数

领  域: [石油与天然气工程] [天文地球] [天文地球]




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