机构地区: 华东理工大学
出 处: 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第5期489-492,共4页
摘 要: 根据玻璃纤维毡增强热塑性树脂基复合材料(GMT)制备新工艺特点,提出了稀相喷动流化床的操作方式。测量了床内颗粒速度分布,考察了操作条件、体系结构等因素对流化床流动特性的影响。结果表明:稀相喷流床中环隙区颗粒的下降速度比传统喷动床高出一个数量级;床内颗粒的喷动和输送的主要影响因素是喷动气,亦受到流化气、导向管、喷嘴内径的影响。另外对中试装置内物料的流动特性进行了研究,为工艺的开发、设计和操作提供理论依据。 Due to the characteristics of the new process for manufacturing glass mat reinforced thermoplastic(GMT) sheets, the way of dilute spout-fluid bed was proposed. Particle velocity distribution in the bed was measured to investigate the influence of manufacturing conditions and structure of the bed. The results show the particle velocity in the annulus area in this equipment is about an order of magnitude higher than that in ordinary spout-fluid beds; the particle velocity distribution is significantly influenced by the spout gas flow and the fluid gas flow. The draft tube and the nozzle diameter can be used to modify this distribution. Flow regimes in pilot spout-fluid bed were studied. This could be useful to the development, design and operation of the new process.
关 键 词: 稀相喷动流化床 玻璃纤维毡增强热塑性树脂基复合材料 树脂 玻璃纤维 流动特性
领 域: [化学工程]