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Study on Grain and Spiklets Detaching Force of Paddy Rice

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南农业大学工程技术学院

出  处: 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第5期469-471,共3页

摘  要: 为揭示当前条件下水稻粒穗分离力的现状,用传感器计算机数据采集与分析系统,对南方常见的几种水稻品种的粒穗分离力进行了测试.结果表明,不同收获时期粒穗分离力各品种间有明显差异.不同品种的稻谷含水量不同,粒穗分离力亦不同,脱粒的难易程度也会发生变化.含水量越高越容易脱粒,但有些品种含水量达到一定值后粒穗分离力会变大.成熟度是影响粒穗分离力的重要因素,成熟度高,粒穗分离力小. The grain and spikelets detaching force of several typical types of southern paddy rice was tested by sensor-computer data collection and analysis system,the results suggested the grain and spikelets detaching force varied significantly with the harvesting period,maturity and water content(w.c.) of its grain.The higher the w.c.of its grain is,the easier the threshing is,but not to a certain w.c.for some type of paddy rice.The maturity is an important factor for the detaching force.The larger the maturity is,the smaller the force is.

关 键 词: 水稻 粒穗分离 脱粒力 含水量

领  域: [农业科学]




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