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A Sdudy on the Moral Repayment

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第4期77-81,共5页

摘  要: 认为道德回报的理论依据是道德权利与义务的统一 ,“德福一致”是人们的内心愿望 ,也是社会公正伦理秩序的基本要求 ;道德活动主体动机的超功利性与道德社会回报的功利性并不矛盾 ,不能以功利性否认道德回报的意义和价值 ;道德回报与道德境界有关 ,多层次的道德境界包含着对利益的不同追求 ;道德的行为不仅是美的、高尚的 ,而且是有用的 ,可以给道德主体带来实实在在的利益。不能简单否认“以德谋利”的道德价值和意义。 For a long time, moral repayment is almost blank in our ethics research. As far as our traditional ethics is concerned, moral repayment deviates from the nature of morality. In general literature, the theory discussion about moral repayment is few, but the problem is rising increasingly at present, which poses a challenge for many basic principles, and affects citizen's moral construction directly during the restructuring period. By means of exploring the theory and purifying in practice, we argue that moral repayment depends on the relations between moral right and duty in theory. Fair ethics order claims “Moral Identities Welfare”. Super-utility of motivation in moral subject action should consist with the utility of moral repayment. We can't deny the significance and value of moral repayment with utility. Moral repayment connects social mechanism and ideal status; which takes some new characters and transformations. Moral repayment manifests social benefits changing in moral field. The significance and value of moral involved in “Gain by Moral” can’t be negated explicitly. We should adjust the relations between moral and gain by regulating the social mechanism.

关 键 词: 道德回报 权利 义务 功利性

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 易钢
作者 陈驰
作者 许业东
作者 崔彩虹
作者 魏远红


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽