机构地区: 河北地质学院
出 处: 《河北地质学院学报》 1993年第3期271-284,共14页
摘 要: 蓟县基岩含水系统,导水系数呈对数正态分布,其对数值具有较好的实验变异函数结构。用线性模型和球形模型逼近实验变异函数,用迭代法求解克里格方程组,估算出系统内部106个未知点上的导水系数值,同时给出每个估算点上估算值在95%和68%两种置信度下的置信区间。结果证实,球状模型估算效果更好。 In the Jixian bedrock aquifer system,the transmssivities are subordiated to log-normal distribution and their log-values show a good stracture on the test covariance function.Authors separatelly use linear and spherical model to fit test covariance func- tion and use iteration to conculate the kriging equitions.The transmissivities of 106 un- known points in aquifer system were estimated.In the same time,the 95% and 68% confidence interval were estimated on all points.According to the results,thd spherical model is better.