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Experiment of reinforcing clay with industrial waste

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖北工业大学土木工程系

出  处: 《水泥工程》 2004年第4期25-28,共4页

摘  要: 庄心善,男,1965年生,教授利用炉渣和粉煤灰等废渣,并掺入适量水泥或石灰等胶凝剂来加固土壤,可以节约工程造价、改善环境。分别以水泥、石灰、水泥+石灰混合料加固由粉煤灰、粘土、细砂、淤泥,炉渣以不同配比组成的三种复合土,每种拌合物以相同的加水量分别制备3组试件,自然条件下养护3d熏7d熏28d后进行无侧限压强度试验。结果表明:A型复合土单掺水泥的加固效果最为显著,其早期和28d强度值均随水泥掺量的增加而显著提高;C型土则单掺石灰的效果最好,最佳掺量为15%;等量复掺“水泥+石灰”时,对B型土的加固效果最好。这说明掺入一定的水泥或石灰或同时加入水泥和石灰加固由粉煤灰,炉渣、软粘土、淤泥和细砂组成的复合土在技术上是可行的。 It could economize engineering cost and improve environment when reinforce clay with fly ash and slag compounded by proper gel material like cement and lime.In this experiment,fly ash,clay,granule stone,silt and slag compounded three kind of com-pound clay with different proportions,and then the compound clay were reinforced by cement,lime and the admixture of cement and lime.With the same weight of water,every kind of compound clay was made into three group of samples which were then cured in natural condition for3d,7d and28d,prepared for non-side-press-limit strength experiment.The result shows that the reinforce ef-fect of adding cement to A compound clay is the best obvious,with cement ratio increased,the early strength and28d strength also increase obviously.But as for C clay,when lime is added the reinfroce effect is the best,and the best ratio is15%.If thegel material is cement and lime(1∶1),the reinfroce effect of C clay is the best.It prove that use some cement or lime or both of them to reinfroce compound clay is feasible.

关 键 词: 工业废料 粉煤灰 炉渣 水泥 复合土 强度试验 软粘土

领  域: [化学工程] [化学工程]


作者 陈卓仁
作者 罗志斌
作者 郑云霞


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际工商管理学院


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