作 者: ;
机构地区: 五邑大学文学院中文系
出 处: 《中国文学研究》 2002年第4期72-75,共4页
摘 要: 常州派词学在一百多年的发展中 ,形成了一个从附会求意到审美把握的自我完善的理论系统。张惠言提出意内言外的词学本体论及其比兴寄托的阐释方法 ;周济将之纳入感物兴发的诗学本源 ,以非寄托不入、专寄托不出对之进行了重大发展 ;陈廷焯进一步以沈郁顿挫的至味高境论词 ,并从解决“意 -象”关系进而解决“意—象—情”的关系 ;况周颐以重拙大在已发展得相当完善的常州词学上再加补一笔 。 The Changzhou School′s theory of ci poems, in its over one hundred years′development from strained interpretation and analogies to an aesthetic hold in grasp, had formed a self perfected theoretical system. And that of zhang Hui yan, Zhou Ji and Cheng Ting zhuo′s was regarded as the three most important steps forward.Moreover, Kuang Zhou yi in the late years of its development had made a breakthrough of the whole School′s theory.
关 键 词: 常州派词学 寄托 感兴 沉郁顿挫 重拙大 性灵
领 域: [文学]