机构地区: 荆门职业技术学院化工系
出 处: 《混凝土与水泥制品》 2004年第5期13-16,共4页
摘 要: 南方某建筑工程中将一种化工厂排放的含氯离子的白色碱渣误作石灰用于抹灰砂浆中,导致混凝土中钢筋快速锈蚀,造成严重后果。通过现场调查与取祥,分析了混凝土中氯离子含量及其分布情况,并通过压蒸养护、干湿交替养护和蒸汽养护等快速实验及浸渍等试验手段,试验研究了该碱渣导致钢筋锈蚀的作用及程度,为确认钢筋发生锈蚀的原因和了解该碱渣对钢筋的危害性提供了直接证据。 A type of white alkali-sludge,excreted out of a chemical plant and with high chloride content,is used by mistaken as lime for preparing the finishing mortar of building,so that the steel reinforcements are quickly corrosed.Through the examination and sampling in site the Cl - content and its contribution in concrete are investigated,meanwhile,the effects of this alkali-sludge on the corrosion of reinforcement are tested in laboratory by the methods of accelerated curing,including autoclaving,steaming and dry-wet-alternating,and soaking in solution.That will directly provide the proofs about the causes of corrosion and the harmful degree.
领 域: [建筑科学]