机构地区: 广东警官学院侦查系
出 处: 《贵州警官职业学院学报》 2004年第5期78-83,共6页
摘 要: 刑事侦查中的催眠系运用催眠年龄退化的技巧,使被催眠者重新体验过去某一时间曾发生的事件,以增强记忆的侦查方法。一般认为,该侦查方法只可对被害人和目击证人采用,不得针对犯罪嫌疑人使用。在运用该侦查方法时必须严格遵守侦查催眠纲要。 Hypnsis in criminal investigation is an investigative method which applies the technique of making the hypnotized people's old memory of an accident occurring in the past time refresh by re-experience.It is generally believed that this investigative method can only apply to victims and witnesses,but can't apply to criminal suspects.Moreover,it's necessary to abide by the regulations of hypnosis when applying this technique to criminal investigation.
领 域: [政治法律]