机构地区: 湛江海洋大学
出 处: 《食品科技》 2004年第8期59-61,共3页
摘 要: 研究了用波纹巴非蛤肉水解液及菠萝汁制作营养口服液的工艺。利用菠萝汁中所含的粗蛋白酶对波纹巴非蛤肉进行水解,蛋白质水解率可达70%。水解液经脱腥后,再用蜂蜜、白砂糖进行调配,制成营养丰富、贝肉风味浓厚、具有一定保健功能的口服液。 Using the hydrolyzed paphia undulate meat and pineapple liquid to make the nutrient oral liquid were studied in this paper. DH of the paphia undulate meat by the crude proteinase from the pineapple in 70%. After deodorization, add some condiment such as honey and sugar, the hydrolysis liquid were made up of functional drink with much nutrition.