机构地区: 华南农业大学
出 处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第4期41-43,共3页
摘 要: 研究了温度对椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima(Gestro)成虫、幼虫取食量的影响,结果表明在一定温度范围内幼虫取食量先随温度升高而逐渐增大,当温度过高时取食量减少,成虫取食量变化出现与幼虫相似规律。幼虫、成虫取食量最大值分别在26℃、29℃。与幼虫相比,成虫取食量较大,危害期较长。分别建立了取食面积与温度间关系的多个模型,经检验模型均能较好拟合实验数据。从取食总面积分析,雌、雄虫取食受高温、低温影响程度大,幼虫期取食受高温、低温影响程度较小。 Palm leaf beetle Brontispa longissima (Gestro), origin from the Pacific islands, was a newly invasive pest in China. It was very dangerous and devastating for the palm plants in South China and caused serious damage to Cocos nucifera in Hainan in the past two years. Effect of temperature on the feeding of that pest adults and larvae was observed. The results indicated the consumed leaf area by the larvae would increase when the temperature varied from 20 ℃ to 26 ℃, but the consumed leaf area was going down when the temperature was over 29 ℃. The regulation of effect of temperature on consumed leaf area by the adults was similar to that of the larvae. Compared to the larvae, the consumed leaf area by the adults was obviously larger. Through the analysis of the total consumed leaf area, feeding of male and female was affected seriously, but that of larva lightly.
领 域: [生物学]