机构地区: 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所
出 处: 《植物保护》 2004年第4期29-32,共4页
摘 要: 在半自然条件(田间网罩)下,将人工饲养的玉米螟卵按4、8、16块/株3个处理分别固定在网罩内的玉米植株中上部叶片上,然后每网罩分别引入供试赤眼蜂20头,24 h后更换玉米螟卵块,连续3 d。7 d后调查供寄生的玉米螟卵被寄生率及羽化率。结果表明:在半自然条件下广赤眼蜂伊朗1-1品系虽寄生能力高于其他供试品系,但到第2、3天明显降低;玉米螟赤眼蜂北京6-2-2品系每天均维持一个较平稳的寄生能力,产卵量在时间上的分配比较分散,并在第2、3天显示出比其他品系较高的寄生潜能。广赤眼蜂伊朗1-1品系的卵块寄生数量可随卵块密度的增加而增加,而其他品系则在各处理密度下,寄生数量基本没有变化;从卵粒寄生率看,广赤眼蜂伊朗1-1和吉林1-2两个品系的寄生数量随卵块密度的增加而大幅度提高,其他品系增加幅度较小。 The host-searching and parasitism ability of different Trichogramma species and strains on eggs of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis were studied under semi-field condition. The results showed that the parasitism ability of Iran strain of T. evanescens was significantly better than that of other tested strains,but concentrated in the 1st day. No significant difference in egg parasitization by Btx strain of T. ostrinae has been observed during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day. The parasitization of egg masses by Iran strain of T. evanescens increased with the increase of egg masses. Nevertheless, the other strains have no difference.