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Ion Exchange Adsorption of Montmorillonite/Cation Azobenzene Dye Nanocomplexes

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院化学研究所

出  处: 《化学学报》 2004年第15期1409-1414,FJ02,共7页

摘  要: 从有机阳离子与蒙脱土离子交换吸附原理出发 ,推导出吸附等温式和表面二维状态方程理论关系 ,给出了热失重确定吸附量的数据处理方法 .选择具有光致变色功能、整个分子共轭的有机阳离子GTL作为插层剂 ,成功制备了一系列插层纳米复合物 .GTL阳离子交换吸附实验数据符合推导出的吸附等温式 ,插层复合物界面压强π随其含水量增大而线性减小 ,在较低π下 ,层间GTL以平行于蒙脱土片层表面的单分子层形态排列 ;随着π增大 ,层间GTL以倾斜于蒙脱土片层表面的头尾交指型团聚体形态排列 ;在更大的π下 ,层间GTL倾向垂直于蒙脱土片层表面成双分子层排列 ,其尾端重叠自组装形成超分子共轭纳米结构 ,层间GTL热稳定性大幅度提高 . Starting from the principle of ion exchange adsorption of organic cation on montmorillonite, we derived the theoretical isothermal adsorption equation and two dimensional surface equation of state. Moreover, method of analyzing experimental data from TGA was developed to determine the amount of adsorption. Experimental results of cation exchange adsorption of GTL, a kind of cation azobenzene dye, on montmorillonite agree well with our equation. Accordingly, a series of intercalation complexes were successfully prepared. After carefully investigating the intercalated dye in the nanoscopic interlayer space of montmorillonite we found three types of stable self assembling structures of nanocomplex: parallel single molecular layer, inclined head-to-tail interdigital structure and vertical head-to-tail interdigital double molecular layer.

关 键 词: 蒙脱土 阳离子偶氮染料 插层纳米复合物 离子交换吸附 超分子自组装

领  域: [一般工业技术] [一般工业技术]




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