机构地区: 郑州牧业工程高等专科学校
出 处: 《郑州牧业工程高等专科学校学报》 2004年第2期81-83,共3页
摘 要: 随机抽取30羽饲料钠离子过量所致的腹水综合征(AS)自然患鸡和30羽同种、同龄健康AA肉鸡,用生理学和组织形态学方法对患AS肉鸡和健康肉鸡肺动脉压和肺微细动脉结构变化进行定量检测和比较分析,结果显示:饲料钠离子过量显著增加了肉鸡AS的发病率、右心室与全心室重量比(RV/TV)、平均肺动脉压(mPAP)、肺末梢厚壁血管百分率(%TWPV)和肺微细动脉管壁平均中膜厚度(mMTPA)(P<0.05)。从而揭示了饲料钠离子过量性AS患鸡发生了以肺微细动脉管壁增生肥厚为主要特征的肌型化和肺动脉高压。 Thirty field cases with ascites syndrome in broilers due to dietary excess sodium and thirty healthy birds from the same flock as control were randomly selected for physiological and histomorphological evaluation of pulmonary arterioles. The pulmonary pressure and the histopathological alterations of pulmonary arterioles in broilers with AS and in controls were measured and analyzed. The results of this study indicated that the incidence of ascites syndrome, the ratio of the right ventricle to total ventricle (RV/TV), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP), the percentage of thick-walled peripheral lung vessels and the ratio of medial thickness in pulmonary arteries to blood vessel diameter were more significantly increased (P<0.05) by the dietary supplementation with excess sodium in sick birds than in healthy birds. Therefore, it might be concluded that the pulmonary hypertension and the muscularization of pulmonary arterioles characterized by the proliferation and hypertrophy of the pulmonary arterioles had been occurred in the field cases with ascites syndrome induced by the dietary excess sodium.