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The Present Situation and Future Developmental Trend of Guandong Labor Rights Organizations(LROs):A Survey Report in the Pearl River Delta

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学社会学与人类学学院社会学与社会工作系

出  处: 《社会发展研究》 2015年第3期109-127,244,共20页

摘  要: 不断增长的劳动争议与现有体制在化解劳动争议上的有效性不足为民间劳工维权组织的生长提供了空间。劳工维权组织的活动体现在开展劳工权益宣传和教育,培养处理劳动争议的技能和提供策略支援,参与争议诉讼过程,开展劳工社会服务等方面。劳工维权组织正在从为劳工开展维权代理为主向培养劳工维权能力为主的方向转变,从相对单一的劳工维权向劳工维权与劳工服务结合的方向转变。面对劳工维权领域的问题,要树立社会治理的理念,因势利导地促进劳工维权组织转型并发挥其在劳工维权中的正能量,构建一个以工会为枢纽,吸纳社会力量参与的多元合作的劳工维权机制。 The raising labor disputes and deficiency of current system boost the growth of civil LROs.The activities of LROs reflect on the advocacy and education of labor rights,offering skills to deal with labor disputes,participating in legal proceedings,and also launching social services provided by laborers.LROs have transformed to help laborers cultivate and enhance their rights and safeguarding abilities instead of serving as the agents to help with their rights safeguarding activities;They have also tried to develop their functions as a combination of labor rights safeguarding and social services offered-by laborers.To deal with issues in the field of labor rights,it is very important to bring in the concept of social governance to guide and promote the transformation of LROs.Finally a multi co-operational labor rights safeguarding mechanism based on the foundation of trade unions and participations of civil powers should be implemented.

关 键 词: 劳动争议 劳工维权组织 治理

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 朱建刚
作者 李元香
作者 屈娟娟
作者 李淑
作者 丁权赋


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚