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Rapid expansion of the metropolitan areas and impacts of resources and the environment

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (张波);

机构地区: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所

出  处: 《资源科学》 2015年第6期1108-1114,共7页

摘  要: 采用高分辨率遥感数据与实地调查,对比2000-2010年北京城市建成区面积与人口分布的变化,发现:1北京的常住人口2000年以来以每年78万的速度快速扩张,相应地,城市建成区面积以每年109km2的速度不断扩张;22010年1 961万常住人口中,80%集聚在城市建成区,在集聚于城市建成区的人口中,95%集聚于中心城,仅有5%集聚于卫星城;3在北京城市化过程中,人口过度密集地聚集于中心城,集约的社会经济活动不断侵占生态空间,在北京城市建成区,人均生态空间由2000年187.5m2下降到2010年的91.3m2。这种过快过密的人口集聚,同时导致资源消耗量和污染物排放量的增加,城市物质代谢强度超过当地资源环境承载能力,在城市规模突破当地资源环境承载力之后,不得不从外部输入越来越多的淡水、能源、食物等生存资源以维持城市运转。现已成为超大城市的北京未来的发展方向应该是可持续的宜居生态城市。为此建议:1结束城市快速膨胀的进程;2约束中心城建成区面积的继续扩张;3在城市周边进行生态系统的自然化再造与保护;4对城市已有生态系统进行近自然化改造;5在城市建成区建造多样化城市绿地生态景观。 We compared changes in the built-up area and population distribution in Beijing from2000 to 2010 based on high resolution remote sensing data and field survey data. We found that the resident population in Beijing increased rapidly at an annual rate of about 78×104since 2000. The area of the built-up region expanded outward at an annual rate of 109km2. The resident population in Beijing reached 19.61 × 106 in 2010,with 80% of them distributed in built-up city areas. Inside the built-up city area,95% of the population gathers furtherly in the center city and only 5% of them are gathered in satellite cities. In the process of urbanization,the population densely aggregates at a limited region and intensive social and economic activities encroach ecological space,causing the per capita ecological space to decrease from 187.5m2 in 2000 to 91.3m2 in 2010in the built-up city area. This excessive density of population agglomeration leads to increasing resource consumption and pollution. Because the city scale is beyond the local resources and environment carrying capacity,resources such as fresh water,energy and food are needed in enormous quantities every day from external regions to maintain the existence of the metropolitan area. Facing the heavy challenges of accumulation of resources and environmental risk,future development direction is the construction of a sustainable and livable eco-city. For achieving this we suggest(1)ending the process of the rapid expansion of the city,(2)limiting the continuous expansion of the central city,(3)reconstruct and protect natural ecological systems in the city periphery,(4)transform artificial ecosystems to near natural ecosystems,and(5)construct diverse ecological landscapes inside the city.

关 键 词: 城市扩张 城市物质代谢 绿色空间 风险累积 生态宜居城市 北京市

领  域: [经济管理] [环境科学与工程]


作者 王晓东
作者 杨广
作者 苏淑君
作者 李尔尘
作者 胡明志


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴大磊
作者 杨荷卿