机构地区: 广州大学数学与信息科学学院
出 处: 《数学教育学报》 2015年第2期35-39,共5页
摘 要: 2010年1月,美国AMTE制定的EMS标准,阐述了作为小学数学专家应该具备的三大标准——数学教学内容知识、数学教学学科知识、领导知识和能力.分析和述评EMS标准研制背景、EMS标准的具体内容,发现凸显"基础性知识的深刻理解"、提供评价MPCK细则以及彰显优秀教师的角色定位是EMS标准的主要特点. In January 2010, AMTE offers Standards for Elementary Mathematics Specialists: a Reference for Teacher Credentialing and Degree Programs. The Standards outline Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics, Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics, Leadership Knowledge and Skills which are needed by elementary mathematics specialists (EMS). This paper focus on the EMS standard research background,research content. Finally it makes analysis of some features of EMS standards-Highlighting“profound understanding of fundamental mathematics”, Providing specific evaluation standards for MPCK and revealing the role of excellent teacher.
领 域: [文化科学]