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Effects of combined use of controlled-release urea and conventional urea on biological properties of Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Hangbaiju’

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 山东农业大学农学院

出  处: 《植物营养与肥料学报》 2015年第1期226-233,共8页

摘  要: 【目的】尿素和控释尿素是杭白菊栽培中常用氮肥,其对杭白菊产量和品质的影响已多有研究,但未见尿素与控释尿素配施对杭白菊栽培田土壤特性的影响研究。【方法】采用大田试验,以施氮量为120 kg/hm2、P5O2106kg/hm2、K2O 189 kg/hm2为基础,设:对照1不施氮肥(CK1);适量施氮肥仅施尿素,50%基施,15%7月15日追施,25%8月15日追施,10%10月15日追施(T1);尿素与控释尿素配施,基施为控释尿素(150 d)与尿素等比例混合基施,施用量占总施氮量的50%,追施为控释尿素(90 d)与尿素等比例混合8月15日追施,施用量占总施氮量的50%(R1)。减量施肥施N量为90 kg/hm2、P5O280 kg/hm2、K2O 142 kg/hm2,也设3个处理:对照不施氮肥(CK2);减量仅施尿素(T2);减量尿素与控释尿素配施(R2)。减量施肥方式同适量施肥。【结果】1)适量施肥土壤有效氮含量高于减量施肥,控释尿素与尿素适量配施、减量配施的土壤有效氮含量分别高于仅施尿素的33.55%、120.35%;2)杭白菊生育期内,适量施肥土壤细菌、真菌数量高于减量施肥。各处理土壤细菌、放线菌数量均呈单峰曲线,细菌最大值出现在7月,放线菌出现在8月。不同适量施氮方式土壤真菌数量呈单峰曲线,减量施肥呈双峰曲线。适量控释尿素与尿素配施土壤细菌、真菌数量比仅施适量尿素分别增加10.39%、39.83%,比减量施肥分别增加46.44%、51.81%;仅施尿素时适量施肥土壤放线菌数量比减量施肥增加127.84%,尿素与控释尿素不同配施量土壤放线菌数量差异不显著;3)减量施肥控释尿素与尿素配施、仅施尿素土壤过氧化物酶活性比相同施肥方式适量施肥分别增加76.79%,164.14%;相同施肥量仅施尿素土壤多酚氧化酶活性高于控释尿素与尿素配施。仅施尿素时适量施肥土壤磷酸酶活性高于减量施肥,尿素与控释尿素配施则反之;施肥方式相同减量施肥土壤脲酶活性高于适量施肥。【结论� 【Objectives】The conventional urea and controlled-release urea are the commonly used N fertilizers in the cultivation of Chrysanthemum morifolium‘Hangbaiju'. Previous researches about the two fertilizers focused on their yield and quality effects,fewer on effects of their combined use on the soil biological characteristics. The effects of normal and minimized amount of controlled-release urea combined with conventional urea on the soil biological characteristics were studied in the paper. 【Methods 】 Field experiments were carried out with two fertilization levels and six treatments. The suitable fertilization rates of N 120 kg / ha,P5O2106 kg / ha and K2 O 189kg / ha,respectively. There were three treatment under suitable fertilization: No N fertilization with suitable application of P and K( CK1); Suitable rate of single conventional urea( Urea),50% of N as basal fertilizer,15%topdressing on 15 July,25% on 15 August and 10% on 15 October( T1); Suitable nitrogen amount of controlledrelease urea combined with conventional urea( RUrea),50% of controlled-release urea( control release time 150days) combined with conventional urea as basal fertilizer,50% of controlled-release urea( control release time 90days) combined with conventional urea used as top dressing on 15 August( R1). Minimized rate of N,P5O2 and K2O were 90,80 and 142 kg / ha,respectively. The fertilization pattern was the same as suitable fertilization. There were also three treatments under minimized fertilization: No N fertilizer with P5O2 and K2O of 80 and 142 kg / ha,respectively( CK2); Minimized amount of single conventional urea( T2); Minimized fertilizer amount with controlled-release urea and conventional urea combined use( R2). 【Results】1) The available soil N contents were higher in treatments of suitable fertilizer amount than in minimized fertilizer treatments. Compared with urea,the soil available N contents with RUrea were increased by 33. 55% under suitable fertilization,and 120. 35% under minimized fertilization,respectively

关 键 词: 杭白菊 适量施肥 减量施肥 微生物 土壤酶

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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