机构地区: 中华人民共和国环境保护部
出 处: 《中国环境科学》 2013年第S1期149-155,共7页
摘 要: 为解决东江流域高速都市化区域的水污染难题,确保该区域社会经济的可持续发展,以深圳龙岗区为例,综合分析环境、经济与社会大系统引起水环境长期恶化的各种因素,采用流域水污染系统控制理论和方法,提出了以优化区域布局减排、调整产业结构减排为控源关键、以工程深度减排为重点、以污染物通量定量监控管理减排为抓手、以提升生态承载力为支撑、以遵循环境公平为基本原则的水污染系统控制总体策略,构建了以"四个减排、一个提升、一个公平"为核心的高速都市化区域水污染系统控制总体框架.结果表明,龙岗区有机物及营养物污染通量均逐年加重,水质风险与痕量污染物的控制值得关注,中、远期河道各断面平均污径比与水污染系统控制实施前相比分别降低约35%和45%. In order to solve water pollution problems in high-speed urbanized area of Dongjiang watershed, and to ensure the sustainable socio-economic development, comprehensive analysis of long-term deterioration of water environment caused by environmental, economic and social factors was conducted in Longgang district, Shenzhen Province. Then, specific programs were developed for industrial layout optimization, industrial structures adjustment, pollution control project and environmental capacity improvement. In addition, an integrated strategy was proposed for the system control of water pollution in rapid urbanization region. Results showed that the organic and nutrient pollution fluxes were increased yearly. Additionally, the water environmental risk and trace contaminants should be taken into account. The average ratio of pollution flux/river flow of were reduced by 40% in medium-term and 50% in long-term, compared with that before the implementation of the integrated strategy.
关 键 词: 高速都市化 东江流域 系统控制 水污染 环境公平
领 域: [环境科学与工程]