机构地区: 广东警官学院
出 处: 《广西警官高等专科学校学报》 2013年第3期34-38,共5页
摘 要: 非常态被征收人是国有土地上房屋征收中相对于常态和中间形态被征收人而言,与政府、拆迁人无法达成一致协议,为获得法外的"额外利益"而阻扰拆迁的被征收人。对非常态被征收人的心理和行为分析是研究房屋征收问题的一个独特视角,从而可以明确制度设计的需求导向与确保房屋征收制度构建的周延完备,同时也可以对房屋征收制度可能的负面效应进行有针对性的防范。 Non-normal people involved in housing expropriation,who can not come to agreement with the governments and dismantlers,try to prevent their houses from being dismantled in an effort to get additional benefit extra-legally.The analysis of the psychology and behavior of non-normal people involved in housing expropriation represents the unique perspective for studying housing expropriation,from which we can clarify the demand orientation of system design and guarantee construction of system for housing expropriation and guard against the potential negative effects caused by housing expropriation system.