机构地区: 中国人民解放军第一军医大学第二附属医院
出 处: 《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》 1998年第3期2-6,共5页
摘 要: 用PRV和SOM免疫荧光双标记法研究了前脑中SOM样神经元对孤束核中食管前运动神经元的支配。当PRV注射于大鼠颈部食管后,在大脑皮质前部嗅沟背侧的无颗粒型岛叶皮质后部和嗅沟腹侧的梨状前皮质前部可见较多PRV和SOM双标记细胞。在终纹床核、内侧视前区、外侧视前区和正中视前区、终板血管器、穹隆下器、以及嗅结节等处也可见少量PRV和SOM双标记细胞。 Somatostatinergic innervation of the premotor neurons of the cervical esophagus in the rat forebrain was studied using PRV and SOM double immunofluorescence method. After injection of pseudorabies virus into the rat cervical esophagus, numerous PRV and SOM double labeling cells were observed in the anterior part of the cerebral cortex, posterior agranular insular area, and anterior part of the prepiriform cortex. Some PRV and SOM double labeling cells were also found in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial, lateral and median preoptic area, vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, and olfactory tubercle. These findings suggest that widespread areas of the brain are involved in the control of cervical part of esophagas peristalsis function.