机构地区: 西安交通大学管理学院
出 处: 《西安交通大学学报》 2001年第S1期32-35,共4页
摘 要: 新经济是一场以信息为突破口的产业革命 ,其实质是以网络化带动工业化 .网络和信息知识等软体要素在经济发展中的作用越来越重要 .由于沉没成本和退出障碍的存在 ,发达国家和先进企业在技术创新中受竞争“替代效应”和“效率效应”的影响 ,表现得较为保守和滞后 .相反 ,后进国家和企业一般却有强烈的创新倾向 .这使落后也具有优势 ,具有实现生产力跨越的可能 . The New Economy is an industry revolution with network construction leading industrialization . Network, information knowledge and other soft factors are playing a more and more important role in economic development. Because of sinking cost and the existence of quitting obstacles, technical innovations of developed countries and advanced enterprises influenced by substitution effects and efficiency effects show conservative and lagging. On the contrary, latercomer countries and enterprises often have strong innovation tendency, which make them have advantages and gain the possibility of span productivity.
领 域: [经济管理]