作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《大众商务(教育版)(民办教育研究)》 2003年第1期12-16,107,共6页
摘 要: 本文略论人文文化与科学文化对立问题的核心所在:不是学科本身存在不可调和的矛盾,而是社会的取向与价值倾斜问题。然后以香港中文大学通识教育的经验为例,阐述了通识教育的任务和局限,探讨了融合两种文化的可能途径。 This paper first clarifies that the opposition between humanistic culture and scientific culture is not because that there is any uncompromising contradiction between the two, but because there are different social attitudes and value standards. Then, the paper discusses the tasks and limitations of the general education on the basis of a case study of the general education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and explores the possible way of integrating the two cultures.