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Dynamic subdivision of road network into coordinated control regions

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 清华大学信息科学技术学院自动化系

出  处: 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 2009年第S2期13-18,共6页

摘  要: 传统的交通控制子区静态划分方法无法适应城市路网交通流的快速变化。针对该问题,研究了交叉口车队散布模型,提出了可协调度的概念以定量描述相邻交叉口间实施协调控制的必要性;在此基础之上,建立了基于超图表示的城市路网模型,并设计了相应的超图划分算法,通过对超图的分割来实现交通控制子区的动态划分。基于北京市二环内实际路网的实例验证表明,该模型在高峰时段和平峰时段下,均能给出高质量的控制子区划分结果。 Coordinated control regions were generated statically in the past,which can't accommodate to the changing traffic condition over the road networks.Thus,a new method is proposed to solve this problem by subdividing the road network into control regions dynamically using a hypergraph-based model.First,the platoon dispersion model is analyzed;a new concept called 'coordination desire' is indicated to describe the requirement of coordinate control between adjacent intersections.Then,we designed a hypergraph-based model to express the road network.A widely used hypergraph partitioning algorithm HMETIS is employed to subdivide the hypergraph into partitions which correspond to the coordinated control regions.Finally,a case study based on the actual road network and practical traffic data is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.

关 键 词: 交通运输工程 交通信号 区域协调控制 道路网络 超图模型 动态子区划分

领  域: [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]


作者 罗凌


机构 深圳大学经济学院


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