作 者: ;
机构地区: 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会学系
出 处: 《教学与研究》 1996年第3期26-29,78,共5页
摘 要: 本文具体阐述了中国社会怎样从改革前的成分分割、工人干部身份分层、单位身份制这样一种社会结构变革为身份制地位大大下降、城市化不断发展、农民阶层的分化、工商业劳动者阶层不断兴起的新的社会结构。 Abstract Before the reform,the Chinese society was divided. into social status groupssuch as the urban residents,the peasants, the workers, the caders, and the workunit system as well. After the reform, the social status system is declining, urbaniztion is going on, the peasants have become divided into different occupationalgroups, the working class and the business men are expanding. Right now thesechanges are still in progress.