作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学地理科学学院地理科学系
出 处: 《地理研究》 1985年第2期73-78,共6页
摘 要: 吴尚时教授是我国著名的地理学家之一,去年是他诞生(1904)八十周年,他逝世于1947年,距今已有三十多年了,广东地理学会开会纪念他,笔者特撰文介绍他的生平事蹟。 Professor Wu Shangsi is a famous geographer of the old China, He took the MA Degree in Granoble University in France, and came back to his mo ther country in 1934, and taught in the geography department of Sun Yetsen University from 1934-1946, and worked as the head of the department form 1940-1946. He died in the morning of 22th September 1947 at the age of 43 years only; But he has written more than 70 famous articles.The list of his articles is shown in the Chinese text.I know there are many papers in memory of prof, Wu after he died. In U.S.A, from G,B, Cressey (1947) to prof, wang(1982) , there are at least three papers in memory of prof, wu. In U,S,S,R,, I know the library of the Moscow University once hanging the photo of prof, wu as a famous geographer of China And now I am told that they still nemember prof, wu in heart.Now,the geographical society of Quangdung held a meeting in memory of prof, Wu at his 80th year birthday on 28th, Sept, 1984. There are more than 60 geographers and hydrologists attending the meeting. And I am the chairman of the meeting.
关 键 词: 区域地理 罗开富 中山大学 何大章 水文地理学 专号 教授 地理系 山脉 校报
领 域: [天文地球]