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Screening of formula in culture-substrate of Taiwanqingzao

作  者: ; ; ; ; (梁火火弟);

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院生命科学学院园艺系

出  处: 《土壤肥料》 2004年第4期31-33,共3页

摘  要: 选用塘泥、菇泥、椰糠3种基质进行6种不同的配比作为台湾青枣的栽培基质,对台湾青枣进行盆栽研究,并以塘泥作为对照。结果表明:不同配方的栽培基质对台湾青枣的营养生长和生殖生长均有不同的影响,其中处理C(塘泥:菇泥=3:2)的新叶片数和花序数与对照A相比差异达到显著水平,开花数达到极显著水平,是台湾青枣盆栽栽培基质的理想配方。 Taking soil culture as control of Taiwanqingzao(Ziziphus muaritiana Lam.),culture studies were carried out by using 6 substrates made 3 materials (pond sludge, mushroom compost, coconut bran). The results show that there are significant differences among the promoting effects of various substrates on flowering and growth periods: disposal C ( pond sludge:mushroom compost=3:2).

关 键 词: 台湾青枣 栽培基质 盆栽 配方

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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