机构地区: 华南师范大学
出 处: 《心理科学通讯》 1988年第5期3-6,12+66,共6页
摘 要: 本工作采取徐盛桓提出的篇章标准:衔接、发展和突出来判断学龄前儿童篇章意识的形成和发展,并根据儿童的认知特点作若干修正。通过三个月时间的观察及实验得出4(1/2)岁儿童的篇章意识及篇章能力开始形成,但篇章的整体性尚不明显,篇章涉及不同内容的侧面;5(1/2)岁儿童的篇章意识和篇章能力有了进一步发展,篇章的线索较分明,而且篇章出现首句或尾句引导或总结全文。 This study analyses the manner ofspeech development of preschool child-ren,their text-sense and text-competencedevelopment in particular,by means ofa guided experiment in a speciallyorganized situation in which language(the Chinese language)was usedchiefly as a means of communication.A special effort was made to base itseducational concerns solidly on the foun-dation of a text linguistic theory.Theexploration employs Xu Sheng-huan'stext criteria:connectedness,develop-ment and foregrounding of slightmodification.After the 3-month-longexperiment,it is concluded that the 4 1/2year old begins to acquire text-senseand text-competence;the5 1/2year oldgets them maturated.
关 键 词: 篇章意识 篇章能力 语义意图 平行结构 词汇手段 句子 逻辑关系 篇章结构 学龄前儿童 线索
领 域: [哲学宗教]