作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学管理学院
出 处: 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 1997年第1期9-16,共8页
摘 要: 本文分四个部分。首先指出外方合资伙伴未必原原本本将其本土的管理方式带进中国来;其次,通过分析中外文化差异,指出外方合资伙伴为适应中国环境,不得不接受某些中国式管理;再次,借用西方的管理方式分析框架,指出中外合资企业管理方式的共性是以“制度式”管理为主。该方式优点多于缺点;最后,指出中外合资企业,应从中国国情出发,取“家族式”管理之长,补“制度式”管理之短,以增加员工的“组织承诺感”,提高管理效果。 This paper consists of four parts.Firstly,the author finds that foreign partners may not bring to China the managerial methods used in their native countries.Secondly,by studying the differences between Western and Chinese cultures,the author points out that expatriating managers from foreign parent companies in SFJVs have to adopt some Chinese managerial methods or practices so as to adapt to the Chinese environment.Thirdly,by applying a theoretical framework of managerial modes,the author concludes that SFJVs have a generality that they usually adopt“hierarchy”approach as their managerial mode,which has more advantages than disadvantages.Finally,the author suggests that,in order to have a better managerial effect,SFJVs should overcome the weakness caused by“hierarchy”approach by acquiring some advantages of“clan”approach so as to enhance the organizational commitment of the employees.