作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《现代外语》 1997年第2期14-20,73,共8页
摘 要: 关联理论的交际观刘绍忠0.引言交际观是对交际的概念、内容、性质、功用、方法及交际行为、交际者之间的关系等的认识与阐述。不同的交际观对交际有不同的描写。自70年代末以来,Sperber-Wilson把认知与交际结合研究,于1986年提出“关联理论”(t... This paper specifically discusses how Sperber Wilsons Theory of Relevance(RT) approaches human communication in general and verbal communication in particular,It begins with an interpretation of the cardinal concepts in RT and illustrates how communication,in terms of its definition,contents,process,and comprehension,is envisaged and elucidated in RT concepts such as cognitive environments,mutual manifestness,ostension,informative intention and communicative intention.In addition,the significance,theoretical and practical,of the RT approach to communication was incorporated in the analysis of there concepts. And,personal remarks are addressed relative to current assessments as to the value of RT.
关 键 词: 关联理论 认知环境 说话人和听话人 外语教学与研究 交际者 语用学 交际意图 交际对象 交际活动 交际观
领 域: [语言文字]