作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州体育学院
出 处: 《广州体育学院学报》 1999年第4期35-38,共4页
摘 要: 为了探讨田径运动员不同运动负荷时几项尿液生化指标的变化。以 2 2名男性田径专业运动员为研究对象 ,进行为期 8天的田径训练 ,前 5天运动强度心率在 1 3 5~ 1 65次 /min之间 ,后 3天运动强度心率在 1 2 8~ 1 3 4次 /min之间。测定尿八项、尿蛋白值并进行对照分析。结果表明 :尿蛋白、尿胆素原对运动负荷反映灵敏 ,其变化趋势与运动训练强度的变化趋势相符 ,可作为运动强度评定的指标 ;尿蛋白SD值较大 ,说明个体差异大 ,运用该指标进行强度评定时 ,需区别对待 ;用尿八项半定量测定法进行运动强度评定 。 In order to compare the change of uric several biochemical indexes during different workload,the research subjects were 22 track and field male athletes,with 8days track and field training,previous 5 days the heart rate between 135-165 beats/min,back 3days between 128-134 beats/min. It is shown in the results that uric protein,urobilinogen to workload are sensitive,their change trend corresponds with the intensity of workload.They can be the evaluation indexes for athletic intensity.The uric protein's SD bigger individual difference is bigger using it to envaluate athletic must disfinguish each case for its own merits and uribilinogen is more sensitive than uric protein.