作 者: ;
机构地区: 复旦大学
出 处: 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期43-49,共7页
摘 要: 1979年伊朗爆发伊斯兰革命后,自上世纪50年代以来亲密的伊美关系被彻底扭转,此后30多年来,伊朗与美国相互敌视,伊朗视美国为伊斯兰世界最大的敌人,美国也将伊朗看作挑战其国家利益的主要国家。伊美关系的现状源于两国之间的敌人身份建构以及利益冲突。伊斯兰革命后,伊朗与美国重新建构了彼此的关系,两国都将对方视为对手和敌人,并在政策和行动上予以"确认"和"强化",一定程度上固化了对彼此的认知,这是伊美30多年来对立的观念与心理基础;此外,伊朗与美国在中东地区存在战略利益冲突,伊朗的地区大国政治抱负与美国的中东地区战略不相容,这是伊美对立的物质性基础。近些年来凸显的伊朗核问题则集中体现出伊美之间的这种结构性矛盾。 After the Islamic revolution broke out in Iran in 1979,Iranian-American relations which was intimate since the last century since the 1950swere completely reversed,Iran and the United States mutual hostility each other thirty years.Iran treat the United States as the Islamic world's greatest enemy,the United States treat Iran as one of the major countries form a challenging the United States interests.Base on the concept and identity of opposites and enemies,each other as Iran and US.two countries stipulate for policies and take actions of hostility to intensify enemy identity.Two countrise have caused an almost solidified sense of hate,fear,suspicion and mistrust.In addition,Iran pursuit for regional power status and the United States security strategy in the middle-east clash.There is a structural contradiction between Iran and the United States.The Iran nuclear issue is the outstanding representation of the Iranian-American structural contradiction.