作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
出 处: 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期1-9,共9页
摘 要: 在1928年至1936年期间,国民政府进行大规模立法活动,所立诸法具有浓厚的社会本位特点。学界通常注重孙中山思想对社会本位立法的影响,本文则注重社会本位立法的西学渊源。吴经熊引领中国社会法学思潮,积极参与立法活动,使国民政府的立法方针、民法制定、宪法起草等诸方面都具有明显的社会本位特点。本文通过考查吴经熊的学术活动和政治活动,探讨国民政府的立法活动与社会法学思潮的密切联系。 Nanjing KMT government legislated massively from 1928 to 1936,while sociological jurisprudence theory was prevailing in China. Sun Yat-sen's thought were emphasized on the research of legislation,but this essay will emphasize on western thought. John C. H. Wu led the thought of sociological jurisprudence, positively took part in legislative activities,made government's legislative principle,civil law,constitution etc. deeply impacted by sociological jurisprudence. This essay will research John C. H. Wu's academic and political activities to unvail the collection between legislation and sociological jurisprudence.
领 域: [政治法律]