作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《海交史研究》 2013年第1期1-13,共13页
摘 要: 位于东中国海大陆架上的钓鱼岛列屿,自古以来便是中国领土不可分割的一部分。无论从历史文献、地理和地质构造、以及国际法的角度来评判,其领土权皆属中国。正因如此,本文着重强调,研究钓鱼岛问题应以可靠的史料为依据,论证钓鱼岛主权归属中国尤其应以适合国际法的史料为依据。否则只会徒增纷扰,使钓鱼岛问题研究更加复杂化;甚至授人予柄,效果适得其反。史家陈寅恪的"考据三法",对我们研究边疆史地、特别是钓鱼岛问题亟具指导意义。尊重前人学术成果,引述他人著作必须注明出处,这是起码的学术规范;以杂撮他人著述为能事,自欺欺人,最终必然害己误人,学术界应引以为戒。 Diaoyu Islands are situated on the continental shelf of the East China Sea and have been an integral part of Chinese territories since ancient time. According to historical records they belong to China,from geographic and geological perspectives,and by the judgment of international laws. Putting strong emphasis on the use of only reliable historical facts,arguments are made using only facts established under international laws consideration. On subjects related to the study of geography and history of national borders,such as in the case of Diaoyu Islands dispute,it would be instructive to review the ' three methods of historical verification' used by historian Chen Yinke.