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Reading Notes on Wu Qiao's Theory of Poems

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华侨大学华文学院

出  处: 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第2期46-53,共8页

摘  要: 吴乔是清初江南一位有个性的诗论家,他的诗学直承冯班,同时有取于许学夷和贺裳,论诗宗法晚唐和李商隐,而不满于钱谦益,他的诗话中不乏独到见解,同时也多有耳食轻信和英雄欺人之言,他的诗学倾向和特点只有在与冯班等前辈诗论家的比较中才能把握。由于他的诗话生前未曾刊刻,身后很少流传,直到道光间才有刊本行世,近代以来对其诗学的研究一直存在着一些盲点。作者在辨析吴乔诗论与冯班、贺裳的关系的基础上,对其诗学的基本倾向及得失作一评述。 Wu Qiao was a poetic theorist with an unusual personality who lived south of the Yangtze River in early Qing Dynasty.Wu inherited his poetical theory from Feng Ban,and he occasionally derived it from Xu Xueyi and He Shang.While making comments on poems,he modelled himself after Wan Tang and Li Shangyin.However,he was not satisfied with Qian Qianyi.His poetic discourse brimmed with original ideas,but it was not without credulous or deceitful words.His poetic orientation and poetical features can be grasped only if they are compared with those of his predecessors like Feng Ban.His poetic discourse was not inscribed during his lifetime.It was rarely spread after his death until its first edition came out in the period when Emperor Dao Guang ruled the country.Accordingly,there have been blind spots in the studies of his poetic theory since modern times.On the basis of an analysis of how Wu's poetic theory is relevant to Feng Ban and He Shang,the author of this paper provides a commentary of the basic direction and features of Wu's poetic theory as well as their gains and losses.

关 键 词: 吴乔 围炉诗话 诗论

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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