作 者: ;
机构地区: 昆明学院
出 处: 《改革与战略》 2012年第8期26-29,共4页
摘 要: 中国实现经济增长的政治基础是M型的层级制;中国实现经济增长的社会基础是二元经济结构下的城乡分割与关系型的社会特征;中国经济增长的实现机制是"企业利润追求"与"地方政府官员GDP晋升锦标赛"两者高度契合的"官企一心搞经济"。然而,也正是实现中国经济增长的这三个要点给中国经济带来了"增长代价"——贫富分化。这种分化不仅表现在物质财富的差异,还表现在发展机会的严重不平等。 The political basis of Chinese economic growth is the M-level systems of Chinese administrative management system;the social basis is the urban-rural splitting under dual-economic-structure and the relational of social characteristics;the implementation mechanism is 'government officials and entrepreneur bend on engaging in economy' because of the corresponding between profit-pursuit of enterprises and the GDP championship promotion of local government officials.However,it is the three points stated above that bring out the cost of growth,which is the 'the-rich and the-poor dividing',which reflects not only in the difference of material wealth but in the serious inequality of developing opportunities as well.
关 键 词: 经济增长 型层级制 城乡分割 关系型社会 贫富分化
领 域: [经济管理]