机构地区: 暨南大学法学院
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2012年第4期54-60,共7页
摘 要: 侵权法中的惩罚性赔偿严格限定在产品责任情形,存在适用范围过窄的问题。根据威慑理论、故意侵权、民刑互动理论以及社会良性发展的现实需求,惩罚性赔偿在侵权法中应当扩张为一般适用。在符合传统补偿性赔偿的一般构成要件前提下,惩罚性赔偿还有另外两项特殊要件,即主观故意或重大过失的加重要件以及责任范围因果关系上的减轻要件。为充分发挥惩罚性赔偿的功效,侵权法中应当建立惩罚性赔偿的一般条款,并明确其构成要件,以增强该制度的实践操作性。 From the strict restriction to product liability,punitive damages encounter an over-restriction in its application.According to the deterrence theory,intentional tort theory,the relation between civil law and criminal law,and the demand for social development,punitive damages should be expanded as a general rule in torts law.Besides,in its application,requirements include not only the traditional ones but the aggravated one of intention and the alleviated one of the causality in liability extent.To maximize its effect and enhance its operation,general provision and clarification on its requirements are strongly recommended.
领 域: [政治法律]