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On the Version Nature of Thirty Sorts of Yuankan Zaju(《元刊杂剧三十种》)

作  者: ; ; (小松谦);

机构地区: 日本京都府立大学

出  处: 《文化遗产》 2008年第2期1-10,157,共11页

摘  要: "元刊杂剧三十种"①题目标有"古杭新刊"、"大都新编"等词,表明它是以赢利为目的的商业读物,刊刻于杭州。这些剧本系正末、正旦用的演出本。从马致远杂剧中出现吴文正(1249-1333)谥号等情况,可知其刊行于元末,而且在传演中受到不断的改动,某些版本有覆刻、补刻的痕迹,其刷印已迟至明初。据版式行款,可知是由四个左右书坊的刊本汇集而成。这些版本大多留有祭祀演剧的痕迹,并且多有帝王或类帝王角色出场,因明代不允许"驾头杂剧"演出,这些便在明代传本中被删削,或是不再演出而无明刊本存世。 Subjects in Thirty Sorts of Yuankan Zaju(《元刊杂剧三十种》) are titled 'Guhang Xinkan','Dadu Xinbian',and they indicate that it is a commercial reading for profit and published in Hangzhou.These plays are ones for performing and used by Zheng Mo(正末) and Zheng Dan(正旦).Seeing from the appearance of posthumous title of Wu Wenzheng(1924-1333) in the Zaju(杂剧) of Ma Zhiyuan,we could tell it was printed and published in the end of Yuan Dynasty and had been being changed in the process of performance and transmission.Some versions show the trace of duplicate and replenishing engravings,and were not printed until the beginning of Ming Dynasty.According to the format and layout,it collects about four versions of four publishing houses.Most of these versions show the trace of sacrifice opera,and often have the appearance of roles of emperor or mimetic emperor,which,however,were deleted in the plays of Ming Dynasty or not played anymore for it was not allowed to perform 'Jiatou Zaju(驾头杂剧)'.

关 键 词: 元刊杂剧三十种 祭祀演剧 驾头杂剧

领  域: [文学]


作者 曾丽容
作者 陈仕国
作者 王宣标
作者 赵义山
作者 程国赋


机构 中文系
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中国古文献研究所


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青