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DES/CCHP System and Regional Energy Efficiency Calculating Methods and Influencing Factors

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学天然气利用研究中心

出  处: 《中外能源》 2012年第3期18-23,共6页

摘  要: 天然气分布式冷热电联供(DES/CCHP)是中国"十二五"期间提高能效、保障经济发展的重要战略举措,其评价指标是能源利用效率、经济效益、碳排放。DES/CCHP实现高效的技术关键包括:把所有终端用能集成为一个"总能源系统";科学用能,核心是尽可能减小每一级用能的损耗;尽可能安排多个冷、热、电、汽终端用户时空分布的最优组合;需要较大的系统规模。新区DES/CCHP系统能效是决定区域总能效的最主要因素,两者的区别在于交通用能、其他用能和外来电力,可在取得相应数据基础上计算得出。计算能源利用效率的一般公式是:能效=终端耗用各种能源总量之和/耗用的一次能源总量,CCHP能效计算的分子必须是全部终端用能,必须按照8650h/a不同负荷逐时累加求和计算,不能取设计工况数据;分母必须全部折算成一次能源。在计算出区域规划的能效、总能耗和一次能源构成后,便可按照规划目标年度的GDP数据,推算出能源强度、碳强度和二氧化碳排放量等低碳发展指标。影响区域能源利用效率的因素包括外部因素——天然气价格与上网电价,客观因素——产业格局、气候条件和实际进展与规划格局的差异,以及主观因素等,其中外部、客观因素是决定能效的硬性约束。 Distributed energy system and combined cooling,heating,and power generation(DES/CCHP) is an important initiative taken by China to raise its energy efficiency and ensure steady economic growth during the Twelfth Five Year Plan period.Its assessment indices include energy efficiency,economic efficiency and carbon emission.Technically,the key to realizing efficient DES/CCHP including integrating all terminal energy uses to a 'general energy system',using energy in a scientific manner,the key to which is reducing the energy loss at every level of energy consumption,arranging multiple optimum combinations of spatial and temporal distribution of cold,heat,electricity and steam end users and establishing a large-scale system.The energy efficiency of DES/CCHP in new communities is the main factor determining the overall energy efficiency of a region and the difference between the two lies in transport-related energy consumption,energy consumption in other areas and electricity supply from other regions,which can be calculated based on the corresponding data obtained.A typical formula for computing energy efficiency is:Energy efficiency=Sum of consumption of all energy sources by end users/Total consumption of primary energy.The numerator in the CCHP energy efficiency calculation must be the sum of energy consumption by all end users,the sum must be obtained by hourly summarization at different loads as per 8650h/a and design condition data cannot be used.The denominator must be converted to primary energy.After the energy efficiency,total energy consumption and primary energy mix are calculated for regional plans,the annual GDP data in the annual objectives of the plans can be used to calculate low-carbon development indices such as energy intensity,carbon intensity and carbon dioxide emissions.Factors affecting the regional energy efficiency include external factors—natural gas prices and on-grid power tariff,objective factors—industry layout,climate conditions and the difference between actual progress and expecte

关 键 词: 分布式冷热电联供 能效 总能耗 一次能源构成 终端用能 上网电价 碳排放

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理]


作者 谈超风
作者 韦星全
作者 赖朝安
作者 彭捷
作者 卢博科


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学


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作者 黄嘉涛
作者 欧晓万
作者 曾云敏
作者 张鼎华