机构地区: 广西民族学院
出 处: 《百色学院学报》 2001年第3期1-6,共6页
摘 要: 贺州族群间的互动是频繁而又复杂多样的。从语言互动来看 ,一方面它受互动族群政治、经济、文化因素的影响而产生波动 ;另一方面又不同程度地影响了互动族群间的微妙关系。从婚姻互动来看 ,各族群之间的频繁互动极大地促进了族群的认同 ,通婚愈深愈广 ,族群关系愈深 ,民族关系愈好。从生产生活互动来看 ,解放前为土、客各族群间对峙期 。 Ethnic groups in Hezhou interact each other frequently and complexly. On the one hand, the interaction of language is influenced by such factors as politics, economy and culture of those interacting ethnic groups. On the other hand, it influences the subtle relationship between the interacting ethnic groups. The interaction of marriage is promoted as the ethnic groups interact more and more frequently, hence the more extensive intermarriage, the better relationship between ethnic groups and nationalities. With regard to the interaction of producing and living, before the liberation, the ethnic groups of Natives and Immigrants confronted each other; while after liberation, they coexist peacefully.