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UV-Biofiltration Combined Process for Removing VOCs

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 清华大学

出  处: 《环境科学与技术》 2010年第6期80-83,共4页

摘  要: 挥发性有机物引起的环境污染问题已日益严重,高浓度、难降解挥发性有机物的处理是当前亟待解决的问题。单一的生物过滤技术对挥发性有机物的去除效果并不理想,在传统生物过滤工艺前增加紫外预处理单元,构建了紫外-生物过滤联合工艺。紫外-生物过滤联合工艺是处理高浓度、难降解挥发性有机物的一个有效途径,也是挥发性有机物控制技术研究的前沿领域。文章系统介绍了紫外-生物过滤联合工艺的研究背景和在国内外的研究进展,并阐述了紫外-生物过滤联合工艺对挥发性有机物的去除性能、紫外-生物过滤联合工艺组合优势、紫外预处理对生物过滤单元影响机理研究和紫外-生物过滤联合工艺模拟模型,最后对紫外-生物过滤联合工艺的工程应用前景进行了展望。 Based on literature reviewing, this paper discusses a new process of bio-filtration plus UV as the pretreatment for treating volatile organic compounds ( VOCs). Performance of this combined system is described in contrast with those of the separate UV and seaparate bio-filtration process. The role of UV as a photo-degradation method to break down VOCs is discussed. Finally, several simulation models to study the mechanism of the combined UV-bio-filtration process are introduced.

关 键 词: 挥发性有机物 紫外 生物过滤 联合工艺

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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