机构地区: 武汉大学法学院
出 处: 《时代法学》 2004年第5期6-18,共13页
摘 要: 人役权是为了特定人的利益而利用他人所有之物的权利 ,即以他人之物供自己使用和收益的权利。罗马法时期的人役权包括用益权、使用权、居住权和奴畜使用权等。当今西方国家多规定了用益权和居住权。从这两项人役权的历史渊源、价值功能以及我国的现实条件来看 ,我国有必要设立上述制度。 Personal servitude right aims at the specific person's interests of using res owned by others. In other words, that is a right of utilizing others' res for the interest of oneself. The personal servitude right in ancient Roman Law included a bundle of real rights, and nowadays the western legislation has reached a conclusion that usufructuary right and habitatio right is necessary. According to history, values and our country's situation, the above systems should be introduced into the future China Property Law.
领 域: [政治法律]