作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学亚太研究院东南亚研究所
出 处: 《南洋问题研究》 2009年第4期58-67,共10页
摘 要: 从1918年台湾总督官房调查课设立至上世纪30年代中期,为配合日本政府推行对东南亚的"经济南进"政策,扶持东南亚日侨企业,帮助日本经济势力向东南亚渗透,台湾总督府以总督官房调查课为中心,对东南亚日侨展开了全面调查活动。本文通过对日本和中国台湾所藏总督府相关调查报告的分析研究,考察台湾总督官房调查课对东南亚日侨的调查活动,揭示总督府对日侨调查活动的动因、调查方式、调查内容及该项调查在日本"南进"东南亚进程中的作用。 From the establishment of the Investigation Division of the Governor s Cabinet in 1918 to the mid 1930s,in order to coordinate with the Japanese government on its implementation of "Economic Southward Expansion" strategy towards Southeast Asia,financially support Japan-invested enterprises in Southeast Asia,and help Japanese economic forces penetrate into Southeast Asia,the Governor-General Office of Taiwan,centered on the Investigation Division of the Governor s Cabinet,conduct a comprehensive investigatio...