机构地区: 中南大学材料科学与工程学院粉末冶金国家重点实验室
出 处: 《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》 2004年第1期65-71,共7页
摘 要: 采用不同的烧结工艺制备NiFe2O4陶瓷材料,研究了真空、大气、N23种气氛对NiFe2O4陶瓷材料烧结致密化的影响,解决了烧结过程中NiFe2O4陶瓷的离解问题。研究结果表明,在制备NiFe2O4陶瓷过程中,不同的烧结气氛对陶瓷的密度影响较大,采用N2气氛保护烧结工艺所制备的NiFe2O4陶瓷样品的密度较大气气氛烧结所制备出的样品的密度高14.6%-32.6%。无论在何种气氛下烧结,提高烧结温度均有利于提高NiFe2O4样品的烧结密度。 The effect of sintering atmosphere on the NiFe2O4 ceramic densification was studied, and three kinds of sintering atmosphere, including air, vacuum and N2, were used to sinter NiFe2O4 ceramic. High density NiFe2O4 ceramic was achieved. The results show that, during the sintering of NiFe2O4 ceramic, the sintering atmosphere plays a very important role,and the relative density of the NiFe2O4 ceramic sintered in N2 atmosphere is 14. 6%-32. 6% higher than that in air,and increasing the sintering temperature in any atmosphere is helpful to improve the relative density.