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Noble Innocence in the Solemn and Quiet Spiritual Quest:The Thematic Transition of Lin Mei’s Fiction

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 汕头大学文学院

出  处: 《华文文学》 2009年第4期48-53,共6页

摘  要: 新移民作家林湄的小说创作体现了边缘作家创作的独特视角。前期的小说创作,作者把关注的焦点指向女性。通过处身于对物欲横流的香港社会中的女性以及为取得外国居留权的女性命运遭际的刻画,展示了男权制下女性的多舛命运。作者旨在唤醒女性的自我意识,探索出一条女性独立自主的道路。后期的小说创作,主题发生了转变,由关注女性转向探索人性、神性,思考个体"小我"向人类"大我"的超越。从这一小说创作主题的转变中,我们不仅能窥见作家自身写作意识与创作视角的变化,也能透过林湄审视整个新移民作家的文学创作。 Novels written by the New Immigrant writer Lin Mei are featured by the marginal writer’s unique perspective. In her early writings, Lin focuses on the vicissitudes of lives of women under patriarchy by depicting the female images in the materialistic Hong Kong society, and the experiences of those who strive hard for the rights of residence abroad, thus to arouse women’s self -consciousness and blaze for them a path of independence. Thematic changes occur to her later writings as the attention is shifted to the universality of human nature and divinity. In light of this transition, we can not only discover Lin’s writing consciousness and her focus changes, but also get a general view of New Immigrant Literature.

关 键 词: 女性 男权 宗教 神性

领  域: [文学]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系


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