机构地区: 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院
出 处: 《硅酸盐学报》 2000年第z1期1-5,共5页
摘 要: 钙矾石与方镁石双膨胀作用有以下 3种形式 :(1)促使水泥石内部孔隙的压缩和迁移 ,即改变水泥石孔结构 ;(2 )补偿收缩和产生外体积膨胀 ;(3)在约束条件下产生预压应力 ,即内部储能 .钙矾石膨胀主要发生在早期 ,方镁石膨胀主要发生在后期 ,两者适当组合 ,能使水泥及其混凝土产生适宜的膨胀量与膨胀分布 .合理利用钙矾石与方镁石双膨胀作用 ,可以使中热和低热矿渣水泥获得较好的微膨胀性 ,同时保证强度等其它性能良好稳定 . The combination effects of two expansive sources, ettringite and periclase in cement, are as follows: densified microstructure; expansion and prestress under restrained conditions. Expansion of ettringite occurs at early ages and periclase produces later expansion. With proper combination of the two sources of expansion, cement paste and concrete can acquire suitable expansion magnitude and time distribution. The moderate heat or low heat cement with this characteristic can obtain slight expansion while other properties remain unchanged.
领 域: [化学工程]